Hungry Hound, The Wall Street Journal, and developments at the farm…

We’ve got a couple pieces of exciting news to start off the summer! First, we’re happy to announce that ABC 7’s Hungry Hound will be featuring our mushroom farm on Saturday April 25th. Be on the lookout for Farmer Bel as he gives a tour of our farm at The Plant, and watch to see our mushrooms cooked up to perfection by The Duck Inn of Bridgeport.

Next, we’ve got some cool news from NYC. We are very happy to say that our farm will be featured in a piece by The Wall Street Journal about urban mushroom farms! Expect to see the article some time in July to read more about mushroom farms around the country and how Fruiting Mushrooms fits into the urban agriculture movement.

And finally, some developments from the farm. We are adding Reishi mushrooms to our current selection of Pohu Oyster and Lion’s Mane mushrooms. To give a little background, Reishi are Chinese herbal mushrooms. Reishi’s medicinal benefits are vast and they are traditionally used as immune system regulators. Reishi also are used to treat the cold and flu, prevent fatigue, and reduce stress.

Baby Reishi Mushrooms
Baby Reishi Mushrooms

Another great thing about Reishi mushrooms is that they are a very well-rounded product. Reishi can be used as an ingredient in kombucha and as teabags. Given the many different ways people can use Reishi, we are very happy to add them to our selection. Give us a couple weeks for the first Reishi to be ready!

Thanks for reading, and remember; Fungi are the Future

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